We extend a warm welcome and graciously invite you to join us on the third Saturday of the month (September thru June) beginning at 9:30 a.m. Meetings are open to all Sorors who are not on disciplinary action. Appropriate credentials and business attire are required for meeting attendance.
In order to attend a virtual chapter meeting, a visiting Soror must download her ‘Membership Verification Letter’ from the ‘Sisters Only’ Section of the Member Portal on Delta’s National website. The letter should be emailed to the SGT-at-Arms at least 72 hours before the meeting for approval. Once approved, a welcome email with the invitation link will be sent to the Visiting Soror.
In addition to the letter, a photo identification will need to be provided at the meeting.
For in-person meetings, duly initiated members of the sorority are welcome to attend, provided they can show their ‘Membership Verification Letter’ that should be downloaded from the ‘Sisters Only’ Section of the Member Portal on Delta’s National website. Please e-mail the chapter at wacdst@gmail.com for the location of the meeting. In-person meeting dates are listed in the box on the right.
Visiting sorors will need to check in with our Sergeant-At-Arms and bring the following credentials to enter the meeting:
1. Membership Verification Letter
2. Photo identification
Again, we welcome you and look forward to you visiting us soon.