Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has an extensive history of involvement in international issues, including human rights and developing infrastructure. Modeling leadership, Williamsburg Alumnae Chapter strives to develop and coordinate programs designed to increase cultural awareness and broaden the community’s knowledge and understanding of global communities. Our mission is to impact communities around the world by conducting service projects to benefit those in need from diverse cultures and Diasporas. The chapter is committed to promote awareness, to educate Deltas about global issues, and to support international and cultural organizations with their respective events.
Some of Delta’s national initiatives:
Adelaide Tambo School (South Africa)
Delta House/Vashti Village (Swaziland)
Delta Sigma Theta School/Cynthia Butler McIntyre Campus (Haiti)
Mary Help of the Sick Hospital (Kenya)
Training Resources for Early Education (South Africa)
Water Tanks, Supplies and Scholarships at the Siena Primary School, I Can Fly High School and Muindi Mbinga School (Kenya)
Williamsburg Alumnae Chapter’s Initiatives Include:
Pillow case dresses made for young girls to provide clothing for those in need in Haiti.
Toiletry / Personal Hygiene Products sent to Haiti